Monday, February 20, 2006

1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?


Blogger Macguffin said...


A lively, colourful blog that's recently got a lot better - at last!!

I like the way you are personally engaging with the topic - not just uncovering objective research and studies but also actively thinking about it for yourselves. (Yeah, right - what teenagers don't!)

As far as the studies are concerned, you should always include references/links on your blog (you don't for the intriguing one about lower rates of alcohol abuse etc. amongst those in relationships.

Nice mix of images and text and well done for including the odd still from your production - more please!

Great idea, too, to include a selection of comments about your blog on the main page for people to see (the best ones, obviously!)

You'll need to do much more logging on here of your progress through the editing stage as you're doing this away from school. That way you can get vital feedback from staff and students. Find out how to post up video to your blog - go to


I'm noticing a bit of a shift from 'relationships' to 'sex' in the focus. Are you aware of this? Is it intentional?

I know that the two often go together but you can have (either) one without the other. I'm concerned that you'll lose sight of your intentions and the doc could become a sprawling mess if you don't clarify what it's meant to be about, now!

As far as sex is concerned (if that's to be your approach), you must look into the 'make love wait' movement in America that urges teens to make a pledge of virginity until marriage. It's really big there. Why not here?

Also, there have been many docs on TV recently about youngsters and sex. (The one where they had to give it up springs to mind). Research them on the BBC and C4 websites - you might be able to download clips or info that will help you think about how you want to treat the subject.

There was also a studnet doc done at school a few years back about teenage relationships. Ask me to show it to you next week - should be helpful.

10:58 AM  

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