Today me Alliaya and Rama went up to some next place to locate a counsellor, unfortunately this was not possible as they were to ‘busy’, so I am going to have to find another counsellor. But we did go to the ravenor park clinic and asked if we could get an interview with one of the women there, and, unfortunately they were also unavailable, but did say we could come back on Monday! Although Alliaya has asked a friend in a collage about a psychologist who works there, and we may be able to talk to him. I have also confirmed an interview with a 17 year old girl, who has just had a baby, which is really good. On Saturday we will be asking her a few questions, sadly she does not want her face to be shown, which is understandable, therefore as she is talking we will be filming her hands. We feel this technique will look professional and we are glad to have the opportunity to get her point of view. xxKelly Jellyxx
WhAts GoINg ON nOw...
So far we've got the opening scenes relevant to our YoUnG RELATIONSHIPS dOc. NeXt StEp?? We've decided to also explore TeeNaGe SeX.. in both a positive/negative light. AS we dont wana b biased! N know dat RuSsEl wud definantley have sumin to say if w only reflected it in a BAD light. However we are mainly going to focus on YounG SeX n its CoNsEqUeNcEs. We've also recently filmed our PsYcHoLoGiSts.. speaking of the basic reasons teenagers enter RelaTionshIps etc... The rest? We dont even Know...
WoT u ReAlLy ThOuGhT oF oUr DoCuMeNtArY!!!pls dnt b mean2Sex?-ChOcLaTegreat work! hope everything goes well!-JaTiNdEryour blog is lookin really cool-DiNvEeRdares nuff detail-AsHlEy & NaThAnExcelLEnt topic!-KiRaNI likE the topic-FuZzY!i relE liKe the topic-ShErIsH i reALly like what you've chosen-ShReEnA
Puppy love's dark side!!!First study of love-sick teens reveals higher risk of depression and alcohol use, rather than teenagers who are not involved in romantic relationships, its also shown that young love-sick girls are at a higher risk than boyz!!xxkellyxx
Teenage love, is it for real, is it for fun or can we really love at such a young age? At this age, teenagers are getting involved with the opposite sex, but unfortunately this means putting your feelings on the line. Making you wonder, is it true love? or, will you get hurt?. This is just added on top of all the other things you have to worry about, just to keep you stressed out!! And it seems to be working, but it seems that its not always love, people just go out with some one because their bored or they just want sex, showing that its not Tru love!xXkElLyXx
No SeX pLeAsE, wE'rE tEeNaGeRsThis is a documentary which is basically explained in the title. 12 teenagers from the ages 15 to 17, from harrow were selected to take part, and attend a ''Romance Academy'' session every week. The purpose of this documentary was to show that Sex....
isn't what you should base your relationship around, it was also said that 'young people would be happier if they were in long-term, serious relationships'''TEENAGERS are having more sex than ever before. Underage pregnancies are on the increase and sexually-transmitted diseases have hit an all-time high. But in a society increasingly preoccupied with sex, many are taking a stand and hanging on to their virginity or turning their backs on promiscuity. A new TV series, No Sex Please We're Teenagers, set 12 London youngsters an "abstinence" challenge. For five months, they pledged to avoid all sexual activity and met up once a week to discuss their experiences with youth workers.
Report By Antonia Hoyle''
WhY tHiS iS rElEvAnT tO oUr DoC!The reason this is relevant to our documentary is because we are using the same target audience, being teenagers. Also its about teenagers and relationships, in our documentary we will be mentioning sex, and the outcomes, such as pregnency. Therefore looking at this documentary will help me and alliaya to improveon ours. xxKellyxx
1. What do you think of our blog?
What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
What other things could we include in the production?
How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
CaUgHt Up!
Our documentary is basically about teenage relationships and how they work, if at all! One of the main questions we would like to get answered is if teenagers can really love at such a young age?(We would like to know your views on this question so feel free to make a comment!) This is one of the reasons we are exploring into teenagers minds, although its difficult to cut it all down into a 5 min documentary!WhAt We hAvE dOnE sO fAr.....
We have made our way to Ealing Broadway and filmed some voxpops of random teenagers from the street, we asked them to describe relationships in one wo
rd. This will then be put as our MonNtAgE at the beginning of the documentary, as we feel that this will make a good introduction. We have also decided to ask Mr Thompson a General studies teacher for an interview, as we feel he will have some interesting things to say. Not just about young love, but the difference between that and the older generation.xXKellyXx