No SeX pLeAsE, wE'rE tEeNaGeRs
This is a documentary which is basically explained in the title. 12 teenagers from the ages 15 to 17, from harrow were selected to take part, and attend a ''Romance Academy'' session every week. The purpose of this documentary was to show that Sex.... isn't what you should base your relationship around, it was also said that 'young people would be happier if they were in long-term, serious relationships'
''TEENAGERS are having more sex than ever before. Underage pregnancies are on the increase and sexually-transmitted diseases have hit an all-time high. But in a society increasingly preoccupied with sex, many are taking a stand and hanging on to their virginity or turning their backs on promiscuity. A new TV series, No Sex Please We're Teenagers, set 12 London youngsters an "abstinence" challenge. For five months, they pledged to avoid all sexual activity and met up once a week to discuss their experiences with youth workers.
Report By Antonia Hoyle''
WhY tHiS iS rElEvAnT tO oUr DoC!
The reason this is relevant to our documentary is because we are using the same target audience, being teenagers. Also its about teenagers and relationships, in our documentary we will be mentioning sex, and the outcomes, such as pregnency. Therefore looking at this documentary will help me and alliaya to improve
on ours.
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