'Caught Up' is a young love documentary focusing on the ins and outs of a relationship, covering romance, sex, and risk of teenage prregnancy. Whilst firstly appearing a completly innocent documentary, when featuring a young couple playfuly flirting.. 'Caught Up' infact progresses throughout. Representing throughout a chronological time scale of events, focusing on age and how our feelings develope. 'Caught Up' firstly presents nostalgic primary scenes, whereby we are forced to remember what we thought primarly of the oppossite sex; however 'Caught Up'steadily progresses throughout, reflecting both the thoughts, views, and opinions of an alternating young and older couple. Furthermore, within this love/sex documentary we are graced with the knowledge of both a Sex Clinic Doctor, opinionated passerbys, and genuine words of wisdom from a teenage mother whos experienced it all, and whos voice lingers within the viewers mind. 'Caught Up' features raw, emotional, genuine facts, an insiders view on relationships. Real people. Real views. Real love.
Interesting FActs....
Unbelivably... the boys we actualy interviewed for our doc, and spoke to held a more emotional take on teenage love! The majority of boys were more emotionally affected by a breakup etc, whereas girls held the more stronger view. As well as this boys were also willing to speak more about a past relationship/girlfiend, whereas the girls appeared secretive and reserved...?
'Caught Up' is a young love documentary focusing on the ins and outs of a relationship, covering romance, sex, and risk of teenage prregnancy. Whilst firstly appearing a completly innocent documentary, when featuring a young couple playfuly flirting.. 'Caught Up' infact progresses throughout. Representing throughout a chronological time scale of events, focusing on age and how our feelings develope. 'Caught Up' firstly presents nostalgic primary scenes, whereby we are forced to remember what we thought primarly of the oppossite sex; however 'Caught Up'steadily progresses throughout, reflecting both the thoughts, views, and opinions of an alternating young and older couple. Furthermore, within this love/sex documentary we are graced with the knowledge of both a Sex Clinic Doctor, opinionated passerbys, and genuine words of wisdom from a teenage mother whos experienced it all, and whos voice lingers within the viewers mind. 'Caught Up' features raw, emotional, genuine facts, an insiders view on relationships. Real people. Real views. Real love.
Interesting FActs....
Unbelivably... the boys we actualy interviewed for our doc, and spoke to held a more emotional take on teenage love! The majority of boys were more emotionally affected by a breakup etc, whereas girls held the more stronger view. As well as this boys were also willing to speak more about a past relationship/girlfiend, whereas the girls appeared secretive and reserved...?
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